Wendy Amann, PE, structural engineer of Huitt-Zollars, Inc., was recently appointed by the Governor of Colorado to serve on the Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. As one of 13 selected members, Amann will serve as the board’s resident structural engineer.
While Amann’s project experience is vast, it was her eclectic industry involvement that set her apart as a potential candidate; Amann has spent time as an expert consultant for the board, has been involved with the civil exam committee of the National Council of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES), remains active in ACEC, holding board and committee chairman positions, and is the current president of the Denver Metro Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). For Amann, this new appointment seemed like a logical next step in her career path.
“The Colorado board has a high standard of expectations for PE applicants, and being able to apply my own knowledge from years of providing professional engineering services to those new to (or just entering) the industry, is very rewarding,” said Amann. “I know with absolute certainty that those who apply and pass the exam after being vetted through the Colorado board’s application process, will augment our profession nicely. Knowing I had a hand in helping those individuals along, and thereby helping improve our industry, is incredibly rewarding.”
Amann is a registered Professional Engineer in the Huitt-Zollars’ Denver office.