Marine Corps Air Station Drainage Facilities and Studies

Huitt-Zollars has provided drainage work associated with improvements and expansion of Marine Corps Air Station, in Yuma, Arizona, which is a joint-use airport with Yuma International Airport. Drainage analysis and design included stormwater retention basins in the infield between Taxiway I and Runway 17/35, between Taxiway A and 8/26, and at the intersection of Runways 8/26 and 17/35 at MCAS Yuma, Ordinance Access Roads Phases 1 and 2 and the entry road to the Cannon Air Defense Complex. Each project included calculation of contributing runoff, determination of retention basin size, design of airfield grading plans, earthwork calculations, and design of grading plans for the excess earthwork disposal area, and construction documents and specifications.

Marine Corps Air Station Drainage Facilities and Studies
MCAS Yuma/NAVFAC Southwest